I hereby irrevocably consent to and grant Life Time, Inc., its subsidiaries, agents and representatives (“Life Time”) the unrestricted, unlimited right and permission to photograph, videotape/audiotape, and otherwise record my name, image, likeness, voice, biographical material, and oral and written statements (together, “My Likeness”) and to use and reproduce any and all works containing any part of My Likeness made by or on behalf of Life Time for any lawful purpose, including public distribution, and in any medium now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to advertisements, testimonials and placement on or or social networking sites. I acknowledge that I will not receive any other consideration from Life Time for the use, publication, duplication, or dissemination of My Likeness. Life Time may reproduce, digitize, modify, change, rearrange, add to, delete from, alter, adapt, or otherwise make use of or reproduce My Likeness at Life Time’s sole discretion. I waive the right to control, inspect, approve or edit any such use or reproduction. The use of My Likeness by Life Time confers upon me no right, title, ownership, interest, royalties, or copyrights whatsoever. I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Life Time from any liability, loss, demands, claims or causes of action, whether known or unknown, including but not limited to, for defamation, invasion or other violations of rights to publicity, privacy or personality, or any similar matter relating to the use or reproduction of My Likeness, and for any loss, damage, or injury, that I may sustain.

Scope/Term of Use: Unlimited, unrestricted worldwide use in any and all media and mediums in-perpetuity.